Saturday, October 2, 2010

Blue Beam Project - Project Blue Beam

FAIR USE NOTICE: We are making such material available in our efforts to the understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, justice believe the scientific and social progress, etc. We realize that this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material as defined in Section 107 of U.S. copyright law. In accordance with Title 17 USC § 107, the material on this site without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in view of the distributionincluded information for research and education. Find out now implement their own conclusions ---- But the system of electronic money around the world, everyone in the world, the money may have in the future must find a way to have money transferred electronically. Before that date, have each spent before 2000, all their money, reserves and assets. Everyone has a 100% according to the Council for their existence. To avoid any kind of independenceNew World Order already microchip in wild animals, birds, fish, etc. implanted Why? We want to ensure that people who do not agree to not pursue the new world order in the situation or fishing, in which everyone in the world. If they try, they will be monitored and tracked by satellites, then hunt down and imprisoned or killed. The new world order is already changing the laws of all nations at all in terms of making use of a unique food and vitamin intake. This change laws on religious...

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