Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gold & Silver Business.wmv

The largest wealth transfer Ever! "Wealth is never destroyed - it is simply transferred. Neither you nor I have the power to stop what is coming. But we have the choice to either freeze in panic, and under the wheels of economic freight train taking on us will be crushed or start the journey of our life on the road to untold riches. "- - Mike Maloney Rich Dad Advisor and 'time to get up and get your personal time WAKE updated to education and therefore may be authorized toChoose to create wealth from the crisis. Mike Maloney as quoted in his book, Manual for investing in gold and silver. "The story always has a way of repeating itself. If a civilization, its money supply decreased, all these coins will come again to the same stack chaising TinEye little metal and gold and silver are measured in these revalue currencies . This happens in U.S. dollars, as did every empire in history. Those who recognize this standbecome incredibly rich. Financial planners do not always have your best interests in mind. They have a vested interest (for their commissions), what you buy, is the general fund. If you continue to play their game and increase your financial intelligence and learn how to invest wisely on the downside of the largest wealth transfer in history, the whole system is collapsing will. After reading this information and started the journey...

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